From southern Finland, we drove to the Arctic Circle and spent a few days in Kuusamo. We fished and camped in and around Oulanka National Park. Finland is a great country and definitely worth a trip (or two).
Continue reading “Kuusamo, Finland”FlyFishing & FlyTying magazine

Rods & Lines – the hassle with the AFTMA standard
The most flexible rod for all sorts of fishing is a 9ft to 9,6ft for a 5wt line. It works well in windy conditions, but a good 5wt line is also suitable for a careful dry fly presentation.
Continue reading “Rods & Lines – the hassle with the AFTMA standard”entomology for kids
Entomology – big old Greek word this is. The scientific (again something scary) study of insects. A funny science. Insects count for more than two thirds of all known organism. Amazing. No wonder the old Egyptians were fascinated by them.
But no worries – YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW ALL THIS – just a little bit.
Why, you ask? Simply because insects are a big part of fresh water fish diet. The fish we want to catch feed on insects. Flyfishers catch fish with the help of insect imitations. Not only the very fly, but also the behaviour and life cycles and so on.
TZ`s DryFly Leader
Leaders seems to be on the menu lately — I am a lame bastard, so I just dug out an old article I wrote in 2003 or so. It is, funny enough still true for me … to some extend.
Continue reading “TZ`s DryFly Leader”